Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga For Beginners: 10-Minute Sequence

Yoga is one great way to start low level exercises and increase your body’s flexibility. There are various different types of yoga you can choose from including VinyasaAshtanga, Power, Bikram, Lyengar and Hatha among many others. While Hatha may not be the perfect yoga style for you, it is often the best for starters as it involves gentle slow moves to encourage proper form and alignment for support. Once you have completed Hatha training, you can move to other complex forms of yoga. Moreover, joining yoga communities can be overwhelming despite the overall sense of inclusion exhibited. Hatha yoga for beginners offers a place to start and grow into professional yoga styles and moves.

Hatha Yoga Beginner Sequence

Hatha is relatively easy to achieve and the sequences are not as challenging. Pretty much everyone interested can perform Hatha maneuvers at the comfort of their homes. If you are just starting out with yoga, some of the sequences you can perform include the following:

Hatha Yoga Poses


This is the first step of the Hatha sequences and it does not involve much as it is more of a preparation move. Spread your yoga mat on the floor and stand at the center. Begin with a mountain pose while standing on your mat and take three deep breaths. With intention, stand still and then raise your arms to the sky with your shoulders kept in a relaxed position. In hale as you do this and slowly stretch to the left while exhaling. Stretch back to the center while inhaling and then exhale while stretching to the right.


This is the next step in the sequence and involves bending forward. Lean forward with your knees slightly bent and your head, neck and arms hanging to the ground. If your hands can touch the ground, the better for you as this is the intention although your knees should not be bent too much. The focus is to lengthen your spine. Take three to five breaths while relaxing in this position but do not get back up.


With your hands on the ground as support, release your left leg backward and let your knee down on the floor. This should give a position similar to the one runners assume. However, your right knee should be aligned with your ankle, with your head arched up as you inhale to support this position. Slowly exhale pushing your hip to the ground as you sink forward and remain in this position for another three to five breaths. You can stretch your hands up and down a few times.


Lower your hands back to the ground (if they are up) and press hard to draw your right leg back to your left. Push your mid-section up and spread your fingers wide. Your heart should be open and your knees bent slightly as you take the shape of an inverted “V.” Stay in the position for another three to five breaths. Your left leg should not be removed from the position it was in low lung; only raise your knee off the ground.


This move resembles the low lung (right) only that you do not have to start from the beginning. One rule about yoga is that the steps follow each other, unlike workout reps where you have to assume original position each time. Simply inhale as you lift your left leg up and forward. Align your left knee with your left ankle like you did with the right leg. Lower your body down and let the right knee to the ground as you push your hips forward for a low lunge on your left. Take three to five breaths in this position. You can raise your hands up for a few seconds. (please see video above)


Your aim is to return to the forward fold position described earlier, but this is achieved from the low lunge left. Simply inhale as you lift your right knee off the ground and draw your foot forward, release your spine and torso for a relaxed forward fold. (please see video above)


Evenly distributing your weight on your two feet, roll up one-vertebrate at-a-time with your arms following you to the sky. Release your arms to your sides and assume the mountain pose. (please see video above)


Take one big step back with your right leg and turn your right foot to be parallel with the back of your yoga mat. Tuck in your left toes and take a small bend at the knee. Spread your arms so they are parallel to the mat and settle into Warrior position looking over your left arm.


In the above position, inhale and drop your right hand back to your right leg throwing the left hand up. This posture stretches the front section of your body.


Draw back to the warrior left position and straighten your legs. Take a turn to face the other end of the mat and bend your right knee this time to assume warrior position looking over your right arm.


Drop your left hand back and throw the right up in the same manner you did for reverse warrior left.


Draw your arms to your hips and straighten your legs to face forward. Find a balance on one foot (right or left) and place the other on your calf, knee or thigh. Slowly draw your hands to the sky and find a spot to focus your sight to find the tree posture. Engage your stomach by waving your hands sideways to keep it challenging. Stay for three to five breaths.


Release your other foot down and assume the mountain position where you should stay for another five breaths.

Hatha Yoga And Weight Loss

Hatha can help you increase blood flow, lower the level of stress hormones and increase insulin sensitivity thus promoting weight loss as your food will be burnt for energy rather than stored and converted to fat. Studies show that a 150 pound person can burn 150 calories in each session of yoga and it also prevents further weight gain.